Back Lift

You exercise regularly and look the best you've looked in years, but there's still a problem — you can't get rid of the back fat along your bra line. A back lift may be your answer.

Back lift surgery does not remove back fat. Liposuction is still the best way to remove pockets of fat from any area of the body, including the back.A back lift is tailored for people who have sagging back skin as the result of aging, sun exposure or massive weight loss.The surgery removes unsightly bumps and bulges while hiding the scar under the bra line. Back lift surgery is not just for women, however men do not tend to develop sagging skin or back rolls from aging and sun exposure at the same rate as women do. Men can benefit from the procedure if they have lost a significant amount of weight, but the scar may be more visible.

Back Lift

What to Expect

A back lift is performed on an outpatient basis and usually under general anesthesia. To remove the unwanted skin, Dr. Schleicher will make an incision across the back, remove the excess folds or bulges of skin and then connect the remaining skin back together. He will place the incision in the most inconspicuous location, along the bra line. Some scarring will always be visible. Once healed, patients can expect a scar that looks like a thin line.

In the days after your surgery, you will experience some tenderness, skin tightness, swelling, and bruising. Oral pain medication can be prescribed to manage your discomfort. Women can wear a bra or garment of their choice starting the second week after surgery. For the next few weeks most women prefer a comfortable bra with a wide transverse strap.You should be able to resume light activity and return to work within 7 – 10 days, though strenuous exercise or activities should be avoided for several weeks. Scars will usually fade in 6 to 12 months.



Deciding if a back lift is right for you and the specific risks involved can only be determined after a consultation with Dr. Schleicher . All surgical procedures have some degree of risk. Minor complications that do not affect the outcome occur occasionally, while major complications are unusual. If you're interested in more information on a back lift or would like to know if you are a good candidate for the procedure, please schedule a free consultation (for cosmetic plastic surgery procedures only) by calling our office at 804-282-4940.

Billing & Payment

A back lift is considered cosmetic surgery and not covered by health insurance. The patient is responsible for payment.

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